  • Pamohi, P.O. Garchuk, Guwahati, Assam 781035
  • +91 99547 78447

Open Your Heart, Spread Some Love

The campaigns we are currently running to meet our immediate and recurring needs

Sponsor a child for a year
₹36,780 of ₹2 lakh raised
Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Write a check payable to "Parijat Academy"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Parijat Academy"
  3. Mail your check to: [email protected]


Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: ₹10.00

The children at Parijat come from impoverished families in remote villages in Assam. They study free of cost at Parijat. A small number of families are able to pay for school uniforms, textbooks and study materials for their children. The large majority them depend on the school to provide for them. You can sponsor a child’s living expenses for a year.

The problem statement

The children at Parijat come from impoverished families in remote villages in Assam. They study free of cost at Parijat. Families that can afford school uniforms, textbooks and study materials pay for these necessities. But the large majority of the children depend on the school to provide for them. 

Parijat Academy runs entirely on donations from well-wishers. Hence, we are unable to support the needs of each child every time. The only option is to sometimes recycle clothes and textbooks for some of the children.

Proposed solution

We do not want any child to be deprived of the basic necessities needed for a rewarding time in school. They need fresh uniforms, nutritious meals, textbooks, notebooks, stationery and other study material to study well and reach their potential. By sponsoring a child, you can ensure that no child is left behind due to their circumstances and has the support she needs to fulfil her dreams. 

Each child’s heart holds the potential for boundless happiness. Our mission is to unlock that potential and let their spirits shine.

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We provide free holistic education and accommodation to children from socio-economically disadvantaged communities in Assam. 

Contact us

Pamohi, P.O. Garchuk, Guwahati, Assam 781035

+91 99547 78447

Copyright © 2023 Parijat Academy. All Rights Reserved.

Contact US

Pamohi, P.O. Garchuk, Guwahati, Assam 781035

+91 99547 78447